We believe that we have the ideal combination of experience, resources and knowledge necessary to deliver the specific services needed for your business from establishing a business to control your financial statements.
– Nikolaki MiovFinance and insurance
Bitcoin era...
As we live in the bitcoin era many of the rules of the financial markets are changing every minute. Rapidly evolving markets, rising customer expectations and new distribution channels threaten traditional finance and insurance business models.
Digital transaction
With special accent on cyber risk incumbent in every digital transaction and the economic instability which imposes low interest rates this industry is not as attractive as it used to be.
Need of tools for analyzing and overcoming the risk
PKF Macedonia strives to focus on the future of the financial services industry, including data and analytics, to have a clear view on the risk involved and how to overcome them, the alternative ways of funding and reaching finances and the investment performance.
PKF provides audit and advisory services to insurance companies, syndicates, mutual insurers and brokers. Working with these businesses gives us access to all sectors of the market and an understanding of the challenges they face.

Our moto is: "To provide confidence that you can rely on at any time!